RCM Remote Exams

Remote RCM Exams:

After several hundred successful bookings for remote RCM exams -and most favorable exciting feedback from examiners in Canada and the US, we hereby invite all students, whether or not you are enrolled with UCOM, to try our virtual services.  We offer key elements for a successful exam experience, such as:

  1. Professional sound and video that transfer your performances fully to the examiner
  2. Use of a top-tiered Yamaha grand piano for top quality sound
  3. 200 sq-inch screen to communicate with examiner(s)
  4. Accompanist available for required exams
  5. All-round supporting services before, during, and after the exam
  6. Booking for on-going remote exams can be conveniently done up to 90 days in advance
  7. UCOM is home of RCM Examinations Centre 608.

Please call us for a free consultation @ (403) 617-6474